This is the 2004 Georgian Bay Cup championship trophy won by my Dilute Indigo Old Hen (2081). This same bird also won the 2004 Canada Fantail Club Championship in Woodstock Ontario.

This is me ( on the right ) receiving the award for Reserve Champion of Show at the Central Fantail Club show of January 2004. The award is being presented by the Judge for this event, Mr. Joe Schabert.

This 300+ bird show was the largest Fantail show in Canada in 2004. It was judged by Lance Christensen of Iowa USA. The winning bird was Dilute Indigo Hen #2081

The Great Northern Exhibition is an all breed show held in Collingwood Ontario. There were in excess of 400 birds shown. My Champion was a Young Black Saddle Hen # 4006. I also had Reserve Champion with an Old Black Lahore Cock.

This award was earned over many years of competition. I am quite proud of it since it represents the Fantail worlds version of a " Hall Of Fame." There are presently only 7 CCFC members who have achieved the entry requirements for this award. The award was presented to me at Fantasia III in Windsor ON in 2001.

These 2 awards were won at the largest pigeon show in Canada, The Specialty Breeders Show, held each year in Woodstock ON. This show is also the host for the CCFC Annual. Since I find it difficult to exhibit both Fantails and Pouters in the same show, I do not always get a chance to participate in the Pouter section. This year I did and these results were much appreciated. The BOS Pigmy was a Blue Check Old Hen and the BOS English was a Black Old Cock.

Copyright 1998-2004, MSS