Dec 25, 2004

Welcome to my new site! This page was a Christmas 2004 present from my family(Sons Eric and Craig, along with Wife Elaine), all of whom recognize my many challenges with computer technology. The MSS at the bottom of this page refers to Craig's freelance software company, Mental Static Software. Most of what you see is the result of Craig's efforts. He has set the site up in such a manner that even I can modify the pages as necessary. The top banner was done by Eric who has a gift for art--both classical and digital-- and Elaine has paid the annual domain fee.

As a result of my challenges with the technology, I am still in the process of learning the ins and outs of the sites features. It is up and running, but only with a smattering of information. I hope to continue to update things, adding new pictures of birds, links, personal biographical information along with breeding and exhibition hints, in the days ahead. Feel free to look around, but check back soon, as new content should be added within the next few weeks.

For the moment I have done some work on the "about" page where I have tried to briefly outline my history in this hobby along with some of the people that have made a difference in my progess and enjoyment. After all, it is the people that we meet who make this hobby so enjoyable.

Craig has been able to transfer photos from my previous site and placed them in the "loft tour" page. These photos are of birds that have done well in shows or have had some significance in my colour breeding programs. I will contuniue to add photos as they become available. Some of the photos are of birds that have been gone for years. I include them for those who might be interested in the evolution of my stud as well as my breeding philosophy. Since I also like colour genetics, some of the photos are of birds that are, or were, still in the development stages.

When you have been in a hobby as long as I have it becomes a matter of time until there is a record of show wins along with some recognition of those successes. The " awards" page outlines some of the more recent accomplishments that the PFF stud has been able achieve. But I want to make clear that the show wins are NOT the reason for my participation in the competitive side of the hobby. The shows are an opportunity to see ones birds beside the efforts of others. That is a wonderful way to learn where a studs strengths and weaknesses may be. It is also one of the few times when so many like minded people are able to come together to celebrate their common interest.

The " for sale" page is not really active at this time. There are a couple of Fantails shown there as a demonstration only. I will be using this area however, because I have feed bills like everyone else. My last show is at the end of January '05. After that my focus will be to do my paper matings. This will allow me to identify the birds that will be available. I will place a text ad into this page OR add a pic.

The "associations" page will list the clubs and organizations that I belong to and recommend along with contact information. I have not done much with this yet.

The web is becoming more and more useful in finding information about our hobby. The " links " page will include URL information for the sites that I have found interesting. Addresses change over time so be patient. Not all of the information here will always be as current as I might like it to be.

Copyright 1998-2004, MSS